Assessing Humor in Edited News Headlines with LSTM


We have seen a lot of research on analyzing whether a sentence is humor, but sometimes we're more curious on how the humor is created. There's a magic of humor that we can only change a word in a sentence to make a unintersting sentence humorous.
For example, the original sentence

' A lot of work to be done ' : Senator discusses tax reform after Trump hosts bipartisan dinner

is an ordinary serious newspaper headline. However, we just need to change the word hosts to microwaves, we can make the sentence interesting.

The trick is often used in somewhere needs to attract intention but the modification shouldn't change the meaning of the sentence.

The problem is also worth researching. Unlike traditional problems like assessing the humor of a sentence, we are curious about how the edit action will influence the humor of the sentence. It means we should learn how a change can influence the overall humor.

Training and Testing Data

Luckily, the academy is interested in the topic, and we have a online competition with exact the topic. There's a very clean and nice dataset provided on the online competition. The dataset is a set of newspaper headlines, including the edit action, and a score in [0,3][0,3]. For example, the example we used previously in the training set is

' A lot of work to be done ' : Senator discusses tax reform after Trump 
    <hosts/> bipartisan dinner, microwaves, 2.4

We do a series of pre-processing on the dataset.


Word to Vector

In natural language processing, we can't directly work on words. It's natural to map a word to some vector with some restriction. Most importantly, we want similar words to have a closer cosine distance for their vector. Word2vec is a technique applied to achieve the aim.
Training a word2vec model cost a lost of time typically, hence we directly use a welcomed pre-trained word2vec model posted by google. You can refer to the page \url{} for more information.

Network Build-up

We find in our experiment that the network configurations will not contribute to the performance very obviously under our design. Hence we introduce the simplest design with a good performance.
We use "kersa" library in this project. Kersa is a AI library packed on the level of layers, which means even more higher then Tensorflow (tensor level). You should install kersa and tensorflow backend.
The design contains an embedding layer, a bidirectional LSTM layer and a dense layer.

Here's a cut of our code for your reference.

bi_lstm.add(keras.layers.Bidirectional(keras.layers.LSTM    (
    units=input_len, activation="tanh", 
    use_bias=True, dropout=0.15, recurrent_dropout=0.1)))
bi_lstm.add(keras.layers.Dense(units=1, activation="sigmoid"))
bi_lstm.compile(loss='mse', optimizer='sgd', metrics=['accuracy', 'mse'])
history_bi_lstm =, Y_train, 
    batch_size=32, epochs=5, validation_data=(X_test, Y_test))

Result and Discussion

You can find our code, report and intermediate pickle records in the repo \url{}.
The bad news is that the performance for our model is not quite good. Though it beats some simple baselines, but the performance is still far from applying to use.
We think the reason might that we don't actually learn important knowledge because our design can't encode the edit action. Frankly speaking, we learn mostly from the edited sentence, so we drop the information from the original.

Another strange thing is that the performance of different attempts in configuration leads to similar performance.
We review this a proof for that we didn't learn much things, because the result seems mostly like over-fitting.

What's next?

Though our model didn't give a good result, the topic is still valuable to research. If you want to try it based on our effort or explore by your own, here are some suggestions you might try.